Anybody & everybody invited to read KOTAK “No Nonsense Digital Marketing”. This site is an effort to explain Digital marketing & process to carry out the same. In case you are new to Digital marketing & really think information provided on this site was useful to you, share your opinion with us as well as refer it to your friends. If you feel you are an expert send us your suggestions; we will cover up more information provided by you for our readers in coming articles.
Everyone need to promote their products & services, be it an Individual, SME, Corporate, Consultant, Entrepreneur, Brand manager, professionals & Marketing managers; all of us struggle to get noticed by consumer.
Life is easy when you have hefty budget to hire big advertising / brand agency & go on every marketing medium possible (TV, Radio, Newspaper & so on) to get noticed. Expert to whom Job is outsourced are at work. As an in-house brand manager you only monitor their activity and return on investment this paid efforts bringing in.
Small & Medium Enterprises invest in participating in exhibition, trade show , yellow pages and all other affordable advertising medium as most of the time their product / services cater to small target audience.

As an Individual professional (doctor, lawyer, Accountant etc) you will be advertising locally and brining limited number of clients you need to survive and earn.
We all be professionally trained in marketing or not; attempt to get noticed in all ways we can. This is what we do in the Off-line world. From television sets to smart phones, media is everywhere. Penetration of Internet and mobile technology has altered the rules of marketing and promotion. These days information is just a few clicks away. In such a scenario, businesses need to widen their exposure to the digital world of marketing. And there is where KOTAK come as source of information to you.
Even if you hire an external agency for digital marketing; There are a lot of things yourself need to understand on how it works, where money been spent, what all places you are visible and finally if it's brining in Return on your investment. Though same rule applies in the off-line world, virtual world involves a bit of technicality and added efforts to measure ROI as its reach is unbelievably WIDE!
Digital marketing start with designing a website (which further involves domain booking, hosting, email accounts, designing & Uploading); Once your site is ready you need to understand all medium to promote it starting from Free to Paid. It involves SEO, Link Building, Blog writing & at the end Social media marketing (To cover Facebook, Twitter, Linkdin, YouTube, Slideshare etc). Moving ahead if you have some budget you can go for Paid advertisement on Internet as well as Social Media using Google Pay Per Click and Facebook advertisement to widen your reach faster.
This is what scope & goal of this website to make you learn basics of everything systematic in sequential manner. I am trying to write every article as and independent message though I have suggested sequence of article to follow.